Monday 19 September 2011

Todays Workout - 10's

10 Sandbag Overhead Press, 10 Sandbag Back Squats, 10 Knees-to-Elbows. As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes.

Men aim for a 40kg sandbag, women aim for 25kg.

Record your score.

Train hard!


  1. hey Matt

    8 rounds 40kg bag about half a round to spare.
    might need change the shoulder press for HSPUs next time.

    Found the knees to elbows excellent.

    Form question on K2Es do you do a half pull up first or hang with your arms at full extension?

    josh t

    last results for the beep test down under challenge

    rd #1 5.2 -- 3mins rest
    rd #2 4.2 -- 3mins rest
    rd #3 4.1 -- 3mins rest
    rd #4 3.6 -- lots of rest

    give it a go I will be interested to get some comparison results
